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Speaker List

In an effort to make Eucharist themed parish events easy to plan and book, we have begun to compile a list of local speakers who have agreed to be listed on our site and be contacted for parish events. Please feel free to reach out to any of the speakers listed and find a time that works for your parish. Scheduling and compensation will be worked out between the parish and the speaker.

English SpeakersSpanish Speakers

Andrew McGown

English speaking presenter

Contact: 303.715.3237,
Topic: “The Eucharist: Conjugal Gift of the Divine Bridegroom” (Length: 2 Hours)

  • Throughout the Old Testament God regularly expressed his desire to “espouse Himself to his people forever” (Hosea 2:21). In Jesus, God has come as our Divine Bridegroom with an invitation to eternal union with him. This mission would invite parishioners to meditate on a number of themes, including: what level of intimacy God desires to have with them (spousal), the invitation of their Divine Bridegroom to enter a “marriage like relationship”, the Eucharist as the conjugal gift befitting this “marriage like relationship”, and how evangelization is the natural “offspring” of this nuptial union between us and Christ in the Mass.

Deacon Colin Coleman

English speaking presenter

Contact: 303.715.3259,
Topic(s): The nuptial meaning of the Mass and Mary in the Eucharist

Father Nathan Cromley

English speaking presenter

Contact: (513) 746-5892,
Topic: Open to whatever the parish needs

Jessica Navin

English speaking presenter

Contact: or (402) 881-5899
Topic: The Eucharist and the Art of Loving: How the Eucharist teaches Us to Love

Dr. Scott Elmer

English speaking presenter

Topic: How Does God Speak? : A Deeper Dive into the Liturgy of the Word

  • Every day the Church gives us specific readings when we celebrate the Mass. These readings are part of a three-year rotation that retells God’s story to his people. The readings are powerful, they are intentional, and they are alive. They speak to the Church, to the world, but also to each one of us personally. A closer following of what is being revealed in the Lectionary (the readings at Mass) allows us to find our place in God’s plan and be in deeper communion with him.

Linda Platt
Instructora de la Escuela Bíblica Católica de SJV Lay Division

Spanish speaking presenter

Plática: “La Eucaristía: anticipo de la vida eterna”.
(disponible solo para una plática)

  • Durante este Avivamiento Eucarístico nuestros obispos nos llaman a meditar más en el gran misterio del amor de Dios por cada uno de nosotros. Es realmente un “misterio” que nos invita a ponernos de rodillas. San Pablo nos recuerda que la voluntad de Dios es nuestra santificación (1 Tes 4:3), y al dejarnos transformar por su gracia, podemos experimentar en esta vida el gozo celestial. La historia de los discípulos de Emaús (Lucas 24) hace un eco en nuestras vidas, pues también nosotros vamos caminando con altas y bajas, enfrentando obstáculos y dificultades que, en ocasiones, atacan y debilitan nuestra fe. Pero, así como ellos, que tuvieron un encuentro con el Señor resucitado, pero que no lo reconocieron hasta el momento de la fracción del pan, asimismo nosotros somos llamados a tener ese mismo encuentro y comunión con el Señor resucitado, para que también nuestros corazones se enciendan con el fuego del amor de Dios. Jesús ha querido dejarnos su Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad, para que podamos participar del gozo de la vida eterna aquí en la tierra.

Edgar Mares

Spanish speaking presenter

Abierto a sugerencia de temas

Abram León

Spanish speaking presenter

Abierto a sugerencia de temas

Diácono Pedro Reyes

Spanish speaking presenter

la Presencia Real de Jesús en la Eucaristía, de 2 a 2 hrs y media. Un día solamente.

Alejandra Bravo

Spanish speaking presenter

Abierta a sugerencia de temas

Raquel Venegas, Coordinadora de las Escuelas de Evangelización San Pablo

Spanish speaking presenter


Curso Eucaristía – La Eucaristía como Fuente de Santidad
Se imparte en un solo día de 8am a 5pm.
La Eucaristía, fuente y compromiso del amor
Jesus ante el dolor
Nos amó hasta el extremo
La Mesa de la Eucaristía
Compartimos el mismo pan