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Get Involved

The Archdiocesan-wide Retreat lasts from the Feast of Christ the King until Christmas.  Each week, our priests will devote their homily to a specific topic, intended to help you understand the message of the Gospel in a new way.  These participation guides were created so that you could more actively participate in this retreat.  Use them by yourself (perhaps during Adoration), or with friends and family or in a Bible Study / Small Group setting.

Week 1: Christ the KingWeek 2: CreatedWeek 3: CapturedWeek 4: RescuedWeek 5: ResponseLectio Divina PDF resourceVIDEO: Lectio Divina Guide

“Synodality represents the path by which the Church can be renewed by the action of the Holy Spirit, listening together to what God has to say to his people.”



October 17th @ 8:30 AM
Join us on October 17, 2021, at 8:30 am at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for the Opening Synod Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Aquila.
Nov - Dec 2021
November 3-4: Parish Phase Preparation Days
Nov 21 – Christmas: Archdiocesan-wide Retreat
By Jan 7th – Parishes choose Parish Representatives
Jan 24 – Feb 18: Parish discernment gatherings
Jan - Feb 2022
Jan 21-22: Two -Day Parish Representative Preparation and Formation Event

Jan – Feb: Further Support and Training for Parish Discernment Gatherings

Mar-Apr 2022
March 25-27: Archdiocesan Discernment Event
April: Synthesis, Document Submission, Communication of outcomes 
May 2022 - Ongoing
May: Priest Convocation
July: Launch Institute for Apostolic Leadership