Shantel was at one of the lowest points in her life.
She was 17 years old and alone with a newborn baby. Her baby’s father left her when she was pregnant, and she didn’t know how she would make it to the next day.
“I was just stuck in the moment of survival… and ready to leave town,” she said.
Then Shantel received a phone call that changes the course of her life. Marisol Home, a Catholic Charities housing program, had an open room for her and her baby.
Catholic Charities — one of the many ministries that is provided funding from the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal — gave Shantel “warm, safe place to call my home.” She packed up all her belongings and went to begin her new life.
“They greeted me and valued me,” Shantel said. “I never felt judged or misplaced.”
Shantel didn’t have confidence in herself as a young girl, but the people at Marisol Home gave her friendship and family who provided “a place to grow and be herself.”
“This was my safe haven [because of] the counseling, the friends I gained, and the support from all the staff and other families who were in similar situation as I was, she said.
Within a year, Shantel found her first home and began a new journey with her baby and the knowledge that she will always belong to a community that cares for them.
“I now look at my son who is 7 years old and I am thankful [they] opened their doors to me,” Shantel said. “Thank you for believing in me and knowing that I can be in a better place one day, even when I didn’t believe in myself.”

“Thank you for believing in me and knowing that I can be in a better place one day, even when I didn’t believe in myself.”
Catholic Charities is just one of many Archdiocese of Denver ministries that serves our neighbors in need with the help of funding through the annual Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal.