Volunteer opportunities in our archdiocese:
Catholic Charities of Denver and Northern Colorado has an expanded page of listings for volunteer opportunities. They request volunteers for Senior Services, Samaritan House Homeless Shelter, Haven of Hope, The Mission Homeless Shelter, Gabriel Houses, and much more. Please visit Catholic Charities for more information.
The Catholic Jail and Prison Ministry serves over 40 facilities including county jails, youth detention facilities, State and Federal prisons, and private prisons that operate within the Northern Colorado territory of the Archdiocese of Denver. To be eligible to volunteer, you must be at least 21 years old, a practicing Catholic who is fully initiated, and be able to pass a background check. Please visit the page on Jail Ministry for more information.
The Gift of Mary Shelter, run by Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, helps women who need a time and place to reflect and meditate about their future. The shelter is located at 633 Fox Street in Denver. For more information about how to help the Sisters in this ministry, please call 303-860-8040.
Christ in the City invites volunteers to join them to have a meal and fellowship with the homeless on the second Saturday of every month at Capitol Hill Park grounds in front of the State Capitol Building. These meals help bring the mission of Christ in the City to those who have lost hope. See Christinthecity.co for more information.
The Ignasian Volunteer Corps (IVC) provides men and women, most age 50 or better, opportunities to serve others and to transform lives. Each IVC member serves 1-2 days a week at a local nonprofit agency. Coming together as a community each month, they pray and reflect using the tools of St. Ignatius and the member’s unique experiences at the work site. See ivcusa.org for more information.
Saint Sebastian Sports Project invites volunteers to join them in fundraising, helping with player and coaching clinics, distributing sports equipment and more. The Project support sports programs within Denver metro Catholic Schools that need financial assistance. Children who wouldn’t normally have an opportunity to partake in a sports program will be given a chance to play on a school team and hopefully learn so much more about life by being part of a team! See SaintSebastianDenver.org for more information.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic volunteer organization dedicated to helping all people in need, regardless of faith. Assistance is provided directly through parish-based St. Vincent de Paul conferences (chapters) located throughout the Denver Metro area. To get involved, contact SVDPDen.org for more information.
And don’t forget volunteering … at your parish!
If you are interested in volunteering close to home, the best place to start is at your own parish. There are countless ways where you can use your time and talents to give back to your parish community. Volunteering, even just one hour a week, provides the opportunity to grow in faith while engaged in the practice of the Works of Mercy. For more information please contact the coordinator at your parish or school.