Mr. Hancock earned his licentiate in canon law at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, at the same time receiving a master’s degree in canon law from the University of Ottawa. Mr. Hancock is also an accomplished civil attorney having earned his Juris Doctor at William Mitchell College of Law in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and he is a certified civil mediator and arbitrator. He and his wife, Jean, a retired police officer and paramedic, have relocated to Colorado with their family and have ten children.
A Judge is a canon lawyer who shares in the exercise of the Archbishop’s judicial authority. Under the supervision of the Judicial Vicar, the Judge serves on a Court with two other Judges, and this Court issues decisions (known as “definitive sentences”) concerning marriage nullity cases. When assigned as Ponens, the Judge is responsible to direct the marriage nullity investigation and draft the definitive sentence for the other Judges’ consideration. In addition, he may provide canonical advice and assistance in other matters to the Archbishop, the Judicial Vicar, and, at their discretion, to the Archdiocesan staff, clergy and lay persons in response to needs as they arise.