May 25, 2021
In response to a letter from multiple U.S. bishops urging USCCB President Archbishop Jose Gomez to delay discussion on Eucharistic coherence, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila has released the following statement in support of Archbishop Gomez keeping the discussion as scheduled for the June 2021 USCCB meetings:
“As I have previously written, the issue of Eucharistic coherence is primarily ‘a question of love, a question of charity toward our neighbor. St. Paul is clear that there is danger to one’s soul if he or she receives the body and blood of our Lord in an unworthy manner.’
As bishops, we are failing in our duty as shepherds if we ignore this truth and how it is manifesting itself in today’s society, especially with regards to those in prominent positions who reject fundamental teachings of the Church and insist that they be allowed to receive Communion.
Archbishop Gomez, with the guidance of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), has followed the correct procedures to facilitate this critical discussion as a body of bishops. There have been some who have misrepresented what was in CDF Prefect Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer’s letter, but it was clear from it that the USCCB’s plan to discuss and debate this important issue is warranted and encouraged. In contrast, the publication of the letter calling for a halt to discussion at our June meeting on this vital issue risks creating an atmosphere of factionalism, rather than unity amongst the bishops.
Therefore, Archbishop Gomez has my full support that we move forward as planned, and I call on my brother bishops to have faith that the Holy Spirit will guide and lead us in this moment.”
Archbishop Aquila has written previously on the importance of Eucharistic coherence:
April 19: