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What we do

The Evangelization Team is here to support leaders and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Denver in the areas of Intentional Accompaniment, RCIA, and other evangelization initiatives such as CCO Faith Studies, workshops, retreats, or programs. Some of these programs are Alpha, Christ Life, the Rescue Project and the like. We equip parishes or individual with the tools necessary to put on these programs with the goal of helping others encounter Christ, in a deep and personal way, commit their life to Him, and become missionary disciples.  

The vision of the evangelization team is to help others, especially Catholics, answer the call of Christ to becoming his disciple to “go and make disciples of all nations” (see Matthew 28:18-20). Thus, our vision is to raise up a new generation of spirit filled apostles who are willing to spread the Gospel of Christ, beginning with the Archdiocese of Denver, but even to the end of the world. 


women sitting on rock near body of water

Evangelization Resources

  • Intentional Accompaniment
  • Evangelization initiatives
  • RCIA
  • Other Resources
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white and brown round food on black ceramic bowl

RCIA Resources

  • What is it?
  • What is the process?
  • Learn more!
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Upcoming Events

Evangelization Workshop (ENG and ESP)

Our office is pleased to be able to offer our parishes pastoral equipping in the area of relational evangelization. Our training is broken into three distinct areas: addressing misconceptions about evangelization, the thresholds of conversion, practical skills

Contact if you are interested in bringing this workshop to your parish!

Retiro de Lideres Hispanos

Jan 24-26 | Annunciation Heights
Tomate algunos días para alejarte del ruido y las distracciones del mundo para profundizar tu relación con Dios mediante la oración. Ven y aprende más sobre lo que es verdaderamente la oración y como tener una vida espiritual que crece constantemente. El retiro se enfocará en aprender los diferentes pasos a seguir al explorar diferentes tradiciones de oración en la Iglesia.

Más información

OCIA New Translation Transition Meeting

Nov. 12 | 9 AM – 12 PM | Bonfils Hall
You have likely heard that the newly translated Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is being implemented this season! To ease the transition, the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries is teaming up with the Liturgy Office to hold a “town hall” of sorts regarding the new translation.

Upcoming Events