On this page you will find resources for enriching your Catholic family life as well as help and support for when family life is challenging.
For the Whole Family
Families of Character
Families of Character
Families of Character is a non-profit organization and leader in child and family development that believes the family is worth fighting for! Our parent coach equips parents with the skills they need to raise happy, healthy, successful kids who THRIVE. We offer research-based solutions to the top parenting struggles and practical tools you can use, right away. Our resources help you and your family develop a growth mindset, self-confidence, gratitude, motivation, and responsibility… little by little, using positive reinforcement—so it sticks! Little wins add up for measurable improvement. Your days of nagging and bargaining are over!
For Adult Children of Divorce
Ministry resources designed to help adults heal from the trauma of their parents’ divorce or separation
Experiencing and living through a parents’ divorce is traumatic. The negative effects last a lifetime often endured silently. Most people never seek healing or even recognize the many ways in which this damaging experience has affected them. Oftentimes, individuals are only aware of brokenness and loneliness, feeling unable to move forward on a path of healing.
For Adult Children of Divorced Parents
Healing from Separation and Divorce Ministry at Parishes
Topics: grief, forgiveness, communication, children, annulments and more.
Format: weekly meeting with facilitator, group discussion, video, book
Contacts: Deacon Charlie Hahn, deaconcharlie@spiritofchrist.org, Deacon Mike Seback mseback@stmarylittleton.org
Spirit of Christ, Arvada
- Timing: Thursdays, 6:30-8:30, Sept-Dec and Jan-Apr
- Contact: Deacon Charlie Hahn, deaconcharlie@spiritofchrist.org
St. Michael The Archangel, Aurora
- Timing: Mondays, 6:30-8:30, Sept-May
- Contact: Deacon Paul Zajac, deacon.paul.zajac@gmail.com
St. Thomas More, Centennial
Timing: Mondays, 6:30-8:30 om, Jan-Apr
Contact: Mary Jo Gerd, maryjo@stthomasmore.org
Light of the World, Littleton
- Timing: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Sept-Mar
- Contact: Colleen Schneckenburger, colleensch@comcast.net
St. Mary, Littleton
- Timing: Mondays, 7-8:30, Sept-Dec and Jan-May
- Contact: Cheryl Cummins, cacummins@comcast.net
St. Francis Assisi, Longmont
- Timing: Tuesday, 6:00-7:30, Sept-May
- Contact: Michael Lynch, michael@sfassisi.org
Dealing with Infertility, Grief, and Loss of Loved Ones
Precious Lives Burial
The loss of a child in pregnancy or at birth is a very difficult time for families. Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of Northern Colorado would like to take this precious life into our care for placement in Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery at no cost. No matter if families are Catholic, Protestant, another Faith Tradition or of no faith, we serve all families and want to serve you and yours. For more information, call 303-502-9666
Parish Based Grief Support Groups
Most Precious Blood’s Life After Loss – Grief Support Group meets every second Tuesday of the month in the Parish Center, Conference Room A, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The mission of the support group is to allow individuals to share their experiences, feelings, and emotions following the death of loved ones with others who are on the very same journey. The group is facilitated by Rosemary Claassen, a MPB parishioner and an experienced grief group facilitator. For more info, call Rosemary at 303-953-2443.
Behold Your Child
Behold Your Child Ministry is offered by those of us who have personally experienced early child loss to provide spiritual, emotional and practical support for those who are experiencing this loss. We seek to be present to those who suffer the loss of a child by providing spiritual support, pastoral care, and practical resources.
Springs in the Desert
Springs in the Desert accompanies those struggling with infertility by offering a place of respite and solidarity where they can know God’s love for them and discover His unique call to fruitfulness. They form community with unique offerings for women, men and couples, meeting them wherever they are on the path of infertility. Their ministry also raises awareness about the experience and unique grief of infertility to pastors, diocesan offices, and healthcare professionals, helping them to understand the needs of a couple struggling with infertility, and providing tools and resources to help them minister more effectively to hurting couples.
Same Sex Attraction
“We do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding to live in a manner worthy of the Lord, …for all endurance and patience, with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.”
– Colossians 1:9-12
Courage | A Roman Catholic Apostolate
Courage is a support group for men and women who have same-sex attraction and who desire to live a chaste Christian life. The group meets once a week.
Encourage is a support group for their family and friends. The group meets once a month.
Denver Chapter Contacts:
Fr. Dan Norick at 720-434-2638 or Deacon Dennis Morales at 303-333-0878
Overcome Ministry
An outlet of love and hope for adults who struggle with same-sex attraction. Founded by Kim Zember, this website is a go-to resource for those who struggle with same-sex attraction, or their loved ones. Kim’s work as a speaker and author is to share her own conversion story, from living the homosexual lifestyle to discovering Christ’s liberating love for her. This website is created from Kim’s desire that every person would know the merciful love of Jesus and the plans for their life.
Catholic Counseling Services
Catholic based counseling can be found at the following organization for individuals, couples, children, families.
St. Raphael Counseling | Couples Counseling
A branch of Catholic Charities, St. Raphael Counseling Services assists men and women, married couples, children, families and adolescents. They offer counseling and mental health services that are faithful to the Catholic Church, and help to restore and strengthen the family and parish communities. They also provide psychological assessment, pre-marital counseling, and highly confidential porn recovery groups.
Visit the website or call 720.377.1359
Can’t find what you are looking for?
Find more information on Resources for the Family and on Family Catechesis at the links below!