TOTUS TUUS is a Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through catechesis, evangelization, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. The goal of TOTUS TUUS is to help young people develop their relationship with Jesus Christ so that there is an intimate friendship whereby he may lead them to the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. Totus Tuus is for 1st grade through 12th grade.
Annunciation Heights is a Catholic youth and family camp nestled at the base of Longs Peak in the heart of Colorado’s majestic Rocky Mountains. By living an authentic Catholic culture, we seek to glorify God by leading our guests into the depth and mystery of a personal friendship with Jesus and His Church. Under the patronage of Mary, Undoer of Knots, our goal is to awaken and restore the hearts of Catholics to the radiant joy of knowing and living the Catholic Christian life by means of youth and family camps, outdoor education, and retreat facilitation.
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This summer camp in the mountains of Colorado integrates the truths of the Catholic faith with exciting outdoor adventures in a way unlike anything in the Church today. The middle school and high school youth are offered a unique experience to grow spiritually, emotionally, personally, and physically, allowing them to experience their Catholic faith like never before.
JPII Outdoor Lab is an environmental education program in the heart of the Rocky Mountains; serving youth from Catholic schools, private schools, and youth groups. Our experiential activities connect youth to the natural world through their faith, science, leadership, and fun.
Prayer & Action gives teenagers an experience of mission work within the bounds of the Archdiocese. The program reaches out to various communities of the Archdiocese, providing for those most in need. This is done by the laboring hands and the open hearts of middle and high school students and their adult leaders. The primary goal of Prayer & Action is the evangelization and inspiration of teenagers, that they may set the world ablaze with the love of Christ.
Highlight Catholic Ministries is a Denver apostolate with the mission to lead youth to a deeper life of virtue and discipleship through sports. Frassati Sports (boys) and Badano Sports (girls) field teams competing in a variety of sports and leagues throughout the year and offer Catholic sports camps during the summer.
Vacation Bible School
Join your local parish this summer at Vacation Bible School! There are a number of programs happening around the Archdiocese of Denver throughout the summer. Clock the link below to view the different times and registrations.
Archbishop Aquila’s statement on Scouting
In April 2017 Archbishop Aquila issued a statement on the Boy Scouts of America. He has called for all scouting groups sponsored by parishes, including Girl Scouts, to reinforce their commitment to forming boys and girls into virtuous Christian young adults.
For groups that are supported by pastors and who continue to be affiliated in the Archdiocese of Denver, he has put forth established requirements.
Catholic Committee on Scouting
The Committee is dedicated to promoting “Duty to God” at each level of Scouting. We are affiliated with the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS), an advisory to the Boy Scouts of America, National Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts USA and Camp Fire USA (NCCGSCF) which is associated with the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM).
Below are organizations that provide acceptable alternatives to the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts and capture the essence of scouting:
Boys Only.
This group is for young men 18 and younger. Their mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. It is a faith-based outdoor adventure program that places emphasis on character development, leadership, and moral purity, for boys who aspire to live in accordance with the values expressed in the program’s Oath and Creed. Current groups at: St. Joseph (Akron), St. Mary (Littleton).
Questions? Email
Boys & Girls.
This same gender, year-round program experience helps shape youth into honest, loving, Christ centered, happy young men and women in a fun and constructive manner. Boys and girls learn how to assume responsibility, leadership positions, to work hard within a diverse team and as individuals and to finish what they start.
Local chapter contacts:
Denver area group at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Fort Collins area group
This organization for young women emphasizes character development for girls ages 5 to 18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. Formed in the mid-1990’s by a mother who was concerned about the moral and anti-faith direction that Girl Scouts was going. Their mission is: building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. Current groups at: Blessed Sacrament, Nativity of Our Lord, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Loreto, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Mary (Littleton), St. Thomas More.
This mother/daughter club is for girls 5 and up and their mothers. Girls learn about saints and virtues from their mothers and leader. They learn that they were created to know, love and serve God. Current groups at: Our Lady of Fatima, Shrine of St. Anne, St. Mary (Littleton) and St. Thomas More.