While you focus on building community – earn prizes for yourself and your ministry at the same time!
The Rules:
- Decide which fun summer activities your group will do. Use some of our ideas – or come up with your own – just make it fun.
- Fill out the form to let us know each activity that you have completed.
- The group that completes the most items/events on the list between Memorial Day and Labor Day wins a prize!
- Make sure you are a part of the Archdiocese of Denver Youth Minister Facebook page.
- We will be sharing summer updates, information, and announcing the winners there!
- Help encourage your fellow youth ministers to participate by sharing a photo in the AOD Youth Ministers Facebook page with #AODSUMMER, we want to see what your youth groups are doing!
2024 Summer Prizes
Grand Prizes
The parish that has completed the most challenges by Labor Day wins:
Monthly Raffle Prizes
- Complete the form linked below by the last day of each month.
- We will also track your activities on this form for the end of summer final numbers for the grand prize.
- Each summer challenge completed = 1 raffle ticket entry for that month
- On the first of the month, our winner will be drawn and announced – so sit back, relax, and WIN BIG!
Bingo Mystery Prizes
- Be one of the first 3 parishes to complete your bingo card (5 across, down, or diagonal)
- Post it on the YM Facebook Page and you will win a mystery prize!!
ideas to do
this summer
with your
- Have a picnic
- Invent your own ice cream sandwich
- Make your own grilled pizza
- Movie night
- Water balloon fight
- Smores night
- Camp-out
- Watermelon seed spitting contest
- Invent your own smoothie night
- Virtual vacation night
- Boardgame night
- Pancakes and pjs
- Un-birthday party
- Glow night
- Make up your own sport
- Yard game night
- Scavenger hunt
- Make your own popsicles/ milkshakes
- Challenge another youth group to a sporting event
- Bingo night
- Trivia night
- Glow in the dark capture the flag
- Cornhole tournament
- Retro game night
- Life skills night
- Field day/ olympics
- Super Sundae night
- Riddles and giggles night
- Sno-cone party and sno-ball games
- Host a summer book club
- Have a garage sale
- Have a lemonade stand
- Silent disco/dance party
- Serve & swim
- Visit a nursing home
- Volunteer in the community
- Plant a garden
- Serve the parish elderly
- St. Elizabeth’s soup kitchen
- Help with parish vbs
- Cook for a homeless shelter
- Host a food drive
- Volunteer at a local food pantry
- Clean a local park
- Offer a free car wash
- Host a school supply drive
- Attend Prayer and Action
- Penny night
- Shirt-off-your-back night
- Nickel and dime night
- Painting night
- Create a sidewalk chalk mural
- Poster contest
- Photo competition
- Summer craft night
- DIY kite night
- Tye dye day
- Talent show
- Karaoke night
- Create a flashmob
- Make your own pinatas
- Lip-sync battle
- Video project
- Duct tape night
- Time capsule night
- Nailed it – cookie night
- Pray a rosary
- Scripture study
- Make a playlist of favorite Christian songs
- Adoration & dessert night
- Pick a saint, research their lives and share
- Mass & breakfast
- Mother Cabrini Shrine
- Mass & sports group
- Stations of the Cross at St. Malo
- Vocations night
- Bible study series
- Cook for a homeless shelter
- Day retreat
- Create prayer journals
- Attend Steubenville of the Rockies
- Go to a baseball game
- Bowling
- Go to a Christian concert
- Spend the day at Annunciation Heights
- Go hiking
- Go to a waterpark
- Frozen yogurt night
- Go to an amusement park
- Ice skating
- Pool party
- Rollerskating
- Beach day (Reservoir day)
- Visit the zoo
- Visit a museum
- Escape room
- Mini golf
- Dress up and go to a fast food restaurant
- Climb a mountain
- Go fishing
- Go to a movie