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Mountain Madness Chaperone Guidelines

Mountain Madness

Child Protection Policy

Minimum Age Requirements

The minimum age for an Adult Chaperone is 21 years prior to the start of the conference.

Compliance with Diocesan Child Protection Policy

All Adult Chaperones must comply with their home Diocesan Child Protection Policies.  Unapproved adults will not be permitted on campus.  It is the responsibility of the Group Organizer to ensure all chaperones are in compliance.  A completed “Adult Chaperone Application” must be filled out for every chaperone.

The Health of Chaperones

Summers days in Colorado will be hot, however the evenings cool down to as low as 40 degrees.  Because Denver is at a higher elevation, precautions must be taken to avoid altitude sickness, arrive well rested, drink plenty of water and do not skip meals.  Pop and caffeine are discouraged at least 1 week prior to the conference as both of these cause dehydration.  The conference weekend itself is very demanding physically.  The conference has an intense schedule with long days and short nights filled with times of loud music and large crowds.  It is recommended that adults with serious health problems not participate as chaperones.

The Spirituality of Chaperones

Because the conferences are very spiritual and chaperones serve as the primary facilitators of this experience, Adult Chaperones need to be spiritually mature.  The words and actions of the Adult Chaperones should reflect the values of the Catholic Church at all times.

The Role of Chaperones

  • The Primary role of the chaperone is to provide a safe and healthy environment for the youth participants.  Full awareness and enforcement of the rules and policies governing participant behavior as set forth by Steubenville of the Rockies is mandatory.  Adult Chaperones are the primary disciplinarians and are responsible for their youth at all times, during both sessions and free time.
  • Chaperones need to be aware of the physical, emotional, and spiritual state of their youth during the conference.  Being present and engaged with the youth during free time and designated small group time will greatly aid in this.  Chaperones need to communicate any serious problems or issues to conference staff.
  • Chaperones need to be present with their youth during all the scheduled sessions.  The only exception is during the entertainment time when youth ministers and chaperones meet.  By experiencing the conference together, chaperones and youth will be able to talk about the different topics and issues.  The chaperones will also be able to help young people with any confusion or doubt as well as pray with them.

Appropriate Dress

All participants (youth and adults) are expected to dress in fashion that represents modesty and good taste, respecting other participants and our Lord.  Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs.  Clothing that displays profane or offensive messages or images are not allowed.  The Group Leader and Chaperones are expected to communicate these expectations to the youth prior to the conference and to enforce the dress code at the conference.  Violators will be asked to change clothing at the discretion of conference staff.

Upbuilding Speech

Participants are expected to use positive and up building speech during the conference.  Foul and abusive language will not be permitted, and appropriate discipline measures will be taken.

First Aid

For any medical or health issue, all participants will be directed to First Aid.  This includes migraines, asthma, exhaustion and dehydration.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

All state laws governing alcohol, drugs and tobacco will be strictly enforced.  Possession and/or consumption of alcohol and drugs is not permitted during the conference.  The facility and the hotels are non-smoking facilities.  Smoking is prohibited.  Please be aware that Colorado State Law prohibits vendors from selling tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18.


It is expected that youth and adults will follow all directions of all Conference Staff, Safety, and Volunteers.  Any instances of lack of cooperation or insubordination will not be tolerated and will be subject to appropriate discipline.  The first and primary method for dealing with discipline problems will be to work through the Group Leader.

Reporting of Incidence

If you witness any youth or chaperone violating any policy in regard to Child Protection or Steubenville of the Rockies’ guidelines, you are required to report it immediately to a member of the conference staff.

The Archdiocese of Denver’s Mountain Madness Conference Staff reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the regulations and policies of the Archdiocese of Denver’s Mountain Madness Conference.  In the event that an individual/group is denied entrance or is ejected for violating any rule or policy, NO REFUND will be made.

Reporting of Incidence

If you witness any youth or chaperone violating any policy in regard to Child Protection or Steubenville of the Rockies’ guidelines, you are required to report it immediately to a member of the conference staff.

The Archdiocese of Denver’s Mountain Madness Conference Staff reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the regulations and policies of the Archdiocese of Denver’s Mountain Madness Conference.  In the event that an individual/group is denied entrance or is ejected for violating any rule or policy, NO REFUND will be made.

Housing Guidelines

Housing Guidelines for Adult and Youth Participants

Providing a Safe Environment

  • It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Denver that no youth shall sleep in the same bed as anyone 18 years or older.
  • Adults Chaperones should avoid any situation where they might be compromised (i.e. being alone with a youth behind closed doors)


Please do not bring valuables to the conference. The Archdiocese of Denver is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Lights Out

All participants and chaperones must be in their hotels by 12:30p.m.  Lights out is at 1:00a.m.  An atmosphere of quiet and respect is expected following lights out.  It is important to remember that we are not the only guests staying at the hotels.  Violators will be subject to appropriate discipline.

Other Information

Here are simple guidelines for you to follow that will assist us in providing a safe environment for ALL participants at the conference. Thank you again for your service and know you are in our prayers.


  1. Act as a role model reflecting the values of the Catholic Church and the love of Jesus Christ.
  2. Speak and act with respect and regard for the value, person-hood, and uniqueness of each youth in your group.
  3. Maintain clear communication throughout the weekend with your Group Leader especially in regard to the interactions you have with different youth.
  4. Immediately report to your group leader any strange, embarrassing, or possible compromising interactions you have with any youth in your care.
  5. Listen carefully to the youth in your care. Be aware of and report to your Group Leader conversations that reveal any self-destructive, suicidal, or harmful thoughts or behaviors.  Do not promise a youth complete confidentiality as there are some circumstances that must be reported by law.
  6. Do not be alone with a youth behind closed doors or any other place where you could possibly be compromised. If you wish to have a one-on-one with a youth, stay in a public place.
  7. Use discretion with physical displays of emotions and care. This includes everything from hugging to simply touching someone on his or her arm or shoulder.  We communicate more from non-verbal cues than through words.  Hugs carry many different connotations for different youth.
  8. Ask permission if you wish to hug a youth. It may seem awkward but more than likely they will appreciate the fact that you respect their space enough not to intrude without asking.  It also gives them the chance to say no if they are not comfortable (some youth are uncomfortable being touched because of past abuse).  Be sure that when offering a hug it is the youth that needs the hug – not you!  Use common sense in regard to the length, strength, posture, etc. of the hugs you give and receive.
  9. Build a camaraderie and talk with other Chaperones about sharing conference content with youth and any issues with youth in the venue.
  10. Be with your assigned group during free time on Saturday afternoon.

Have fun, and encourage the youth to get involved in all of the events of the weekend.


  1. Try to be a buddy or pal to the youth. You are there to help them grow, not to develop a social life around or with them.  This is especially important if you are involved with long-term ministry after the conference.
  2. Use suggestive jokes, stories, or language with youth. That they hear from their peers and laugh off could be devastating if it comes from your mouth.
  3. Threaten, humiliate or degrade a youth as a form of discipline.
  4. Discipline with physical contact.
  5. Let your youth roam free without supervision.
  6. Share inappropriate information about yourself with the youth.
  7. Allow your teens to engage in sexually suggestive, vulgar, or abusive speech
  8. Stand apart from the group.
  9. Talk only to other adult chaperones
  10. Please do not move the chairs in the conference venue.

Do not be afraid to engage the youth.  This is a great opportunity to be a light to the youth in an often dark and confusing world.