Volunteer applications are currently closed, please check back to assist with Steubenville of the Rockies 2025.
Volunteering at The Steubenville of the Rockies Conference an exceptional opportunity to make a difference in the lives of teens and to experience a spiritually fulfilling and uniquely Catholic volunteer opportunity. Come and see first-hand the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our youth.
Volunteer Zoom Meetings
If you are volunteering for Steubenville of the Rockies, you will need to attend one Volunteer Zoom Meetings. Please save the date, all accepted volunteers will be emailed the links to these meetings.
You may apply to be a volunteer if you:
- Are at least 18* years of age or older
- *Must be 21+ years of age to volunteer as in Prayer Ministry
- Complete Archdiocese of Denver Youth Protection / Safe Environment Requirements which are:
- Have a current background check on file with The Archdiocese of Denver (cost is $20 to complete a background check)
- Have completed Safe Environment training in the Archdiocese of Denver
- Sign an Archdiocese of Denver volunteer code of conduct
- Have a servant heart and desire to be the hands and feet of Christ to thousands of teens and their chaperones!
Please Note:
- Filling out this form DOES NOT guarantee a spot as a volunteer but it makes us aware of your interest. We will send out confirmation emails no later than May 10th to let you know if you are needed as a volunteer.
- Housing is not provided for general volunteers.
- You will need to arrange your own transportation to and from the conference each day.
- Volunteering at the conference is physically demanding. Work will include a lot of walking and being on your feet for long periods of time.
Volunteer Forms
Once your application is accepted, you will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator and notified which forms are needed to finalize your application. We are no longer accepting new applications, thank you for your willingness to volunteer this year.
Please contact our office at steubenvillerockies@archden.org if you are interested in joining prayer ministries.